English-friendly events at the BALATORIUM Ecological X Cultural Weekend

Ecological X Cultural Weekend

szabadonbalaton concept bar

25/08/2023, Balaton Limnological Institute, Tihany 

26-27/08/2023, Örvényes, Platán beach

This year, the szabadonbalaton concept bar will appear with a minibar at the Open Day of the Balaton Limnological Research Institute on 25 August, and then at the Public Beach of Örvényes for two full days on 26 and 27 August.

The bar will offer a fusion of concept food, drinks and research talks. Besides tastings the ecological processes and environmental problems of the region, you can ask the experts questions such as:

What factors determine water quality? What waters feed Lake Balaton, what nutrients reach the lake and how, or why is this important? What makes a waterfront natural, what is the role of such areas, how does the changing water level relate to the water quality of the lake and algae formation? What natural habitats border the lake and how are these habitats related to Lake Balaton?

Our aim is to make the complex ecological processes of Lake Balaton and their interrelationships known, discussed and tasted by a wide range of visitors.

The bar will be open on 26 and 27 August 2023 from 10:00 to 18:00 with small breaks.

Food and drinks are safe to consume but are made from experimental ingredients and are tasted at your own risk.


Signals from an Island (BALATORIUM Artist in Residence Programme Exhibition)

25/08/2023, Balaton Limnological Institute, Tihany 

26-27/08/2023, Örvényes, Platán beach

The natural habitats of the Balaton region are “islands” in a landscape heavily modified by humans. The artists of the BALATORIUM Artist Residency Programme have explored and studied these islands and send us different signals: through installations, sound installations, exhibitions, they convey messages about Lake Balaton. We must face the consequences stemming from intensifying lake use and climate change. Moreover, being mindful about the lake involves getting to know the ecosystem of Balaton better, perhaps from a perspective we’ve never considered before.

The resulting site-specific works present their dilemmas along three thematic axes. They encourage visitors to consider what Balaton means for us and other living beings from three separate perspectives: the perspective of invasive species, land and soil use as well as the water.The works are exhibited at the Balaton Limnological Research Institute in Tihany on the 25th August, while between 26-27 August they can be seen at the Platán beach and the surrounding area of Örvényes.


BALATORIUM beach library browsing

26-27/08/2023, 11:00-18:00, Örvényes, Platán beach

The beach library contains the main references of the ecological challenges related to Lake Balaton. By collecting recommendations from different participants of the BALATORIUM, it has been created to serve as an expandable knowledge base. During the weekend, the library will be freely accessible for browsing, English resources are available!

During the related workshops visitors will also have the opportunity to use whatever image or quote inspires them for creative designs. 


Animals around us - collage workshop with Anna Tüdős

26-27/08/2023, 15:00-17:00, Örvényes, Platán beach

During a zine- and bookmark-making workshop participants will be introduced to the contents of the BALATORIUM beach library and given the opportunity to create their own 'remix' in the form of a zine or bookmark from materials, quotes and images provided. The session will be framed by ideas of British philosopher Timothy Morton, who urges humanity to reconsider the role humans play in the running of the planet and let go of notions of superiority over other beings. 


Risograph workshop - make posters and postcards based on materials from the BALATORIUM beach Library

26-27/08/2023, 11:00 - 17:00

Risography is an environmentally friendly, economical and easy way of printing: 'riso' works with soy-based inks. The printing process with its unique aesthetics is similar to screen printing. The session is led by members of the DRUKKER community print workshop, who will help anyone create their own BALATORIUM poster or postcard. Using a selection from the beach library, photographs, drawings and cut-outs, workshop attendees will be able to create their own designs, which will be made vibrant with two-colour printing.


Descent into the future - walk and artist talk with Miriam Sentler

27/08/2023, 11:00

Within a framework of a walk and artist talk, Miriam Sentler will draw relevant parallels between the changing landscape of Balaton, and disappearing German industrial (mining) landscapes, as they are filled up  with water and live on as lakes. The talk will build on an artwork from 2020, ‘Descent into the Future’, a result of the artist’s research into post-industrial lakes conducted in the framework of the collective Deep Time Agency. During the walk, we will contemplate together on the ways in which certain landscape design enhances - or blocks - memories and feelings of belonging for (displaced) inhabitants.

The language of the event will be English with live Hungarian translation.

In 2023, Miriam Sentler is receiving support from the Mondriaan Fund.


The New Liquidity (Selma Boskalio & Anders Ehlin):Tides in the Body

site-specific audio guide 

26/08/2023 17:00-18:30

27/08/2023  09:00-11:00


"We ourselves are sea, sands, corals, seaweeds, beaches, tides, swimmers,

children, waves . . . seas and mothers."

Hélène Cixous and Catherine Clément


"Estuaries, tidal zones, wetlands: these are all liminal spaces where two complex

systems meet, embrace, clash, and transform one another."

Astrida Neimanis


As an attempt towards decolonizing time and reconnecting to our embodied selves,

The New Liquidity is proposing a slow float - a guided meditation for reimagining

our corporealities. It is focused on the liminal ecotone of Lake Balaton as a body of water, but also a place of transition and transformation.

The guided meditation will take place on a floating vessel, pre-registration at slowwalk [at] pad.network is recommended.

A BALATORIUM Bázis weboldalt a PAD Alapítvány szerkeszti a BALATORIUM projekt keretében, amely a Veszprém-Balaton 2023 Európa Kulturális Fővárosa egyik kiemelt projektje.

A 2023-as Európa Kulturális Fővárosa címet Veszprém városa a környező régióval közösen nyerte el. A Veszprém-Balaton 2023 Zrt - melyet a térség városai és regionális szervezetek tulajdonolnak – fejleszti és koordinálja a programot, a megvalósításba bevonva a régió intézményeit, kulturális szereplőit, civil szervezeteit és közösségeit.

A PAD Alapítvány a környezeti igazságosság szemléletével kutatásokat, szakpolitikai elemzéseket és koncepciókat készít, valamint érdekképviseleti, oktatási és társadalmi érzékenyítést célzó művészeti tevékenységeket végez, a szabadonbalaton ökológiai-művészeti platformnak ad otthont.